The Munsons of Texas — Photo Album

Walter Mordello Munson (1929-1989)

Sarah Moore Munson (1930-living)

Janice Louise Foster (1930-living)

Margaret Ruth Munson (1931-living)

Joseph Underwood Munson Jr. (1937-living)

Sara Louise Munson (1932-living)

Munson and Foster Children




Christmas day, 1937

Bailey's Prairie, Brazoria County, Texas, at the home of George P. and Louise Underwood Munson and family

Walter Mordello and Sarah Moore, children of Mordello Stephen Munson II and Minnie Ella Moore; Louise, daughter of William Ligon Foster and Catherine Munson; Ruth and Sara, daughters of George P. Munson Jr. (III); Joe Jr., son of Joseph Underwood Munson and Ruth Anna Horn

Laura M. Cooper collection, John H. Munson Sr., photographer

Original; excellent condition